
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Thanksgiving Memory....

I wanted to take a moment and thank all of the family and friends that have subscribed to the blog, and also those who are following Mema's Rolodex on Facebook.  Thanksgiving is truly my favorite holiday and time of the year.  I think it became my favorite time of the year because of my Grandmother, and how special she made it.

Going to Mema's house was never a long drive - it was literally across the street, so as a child I would make my way back and forth quite often.  I remember the Wednesday before Thanksgiving her kitchen would be in full swing.  The smells were captivating.  I am sure that all of you have these fond memories of your grandmother or mother's house smelling this way, but I remember more importantly she always allowed me to help her in some way.  It may be as simple as going down to the pantry and fetching her something off of the shelf, but I helped.  It gave me at such a young age a sense of belonging and pride.  Two traits that to this day I have firmly embedded into my personality.

As I sit here and type this blog entry the emotions of those holidays past overpower me, and I can feel that young child's excitement about seeing my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and other family.  In addition the bountiful food that this little woman prepared.  Enough food to feed three families of our size.  I remember my Grandfather's prayer which he said at every meal, and he basically up to the last year of his life.

"Our Father with thank you for this day;
We thank thee for the many blessings that you have put before us;
We thank you for this food that we are about to receive;
Be watchful over us, our loves ones, and others wherever they may be;
In your name we pray;

Such a simple prayer, but such powerful words.  Unfortunately, blogs don't show the tears that were shed while typing that, but how grateful I am for the couple that influenced me over the years to be the person I am today.

Years have gone by, and many people in my life that molded me and shaped me have passed on.  Life has changed so much, but the one thing that has never changed is the loving memories that I will always cherish and carry with me.

I miss all of them dearly and would give anything just to have five minutes to spend with all of them.  However, I truly believe that it is possibleto be with them because I carry them with me in my heart wherever life takes me.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and on behalf of Frances continue enjoying the recipes from the rolodex!

Many more recipes and stories to come!

1 comment:

  1. I feel exactly the same way. Enjoy reliving those wonderful times while making memories for your children. Happy Thanksgiving!
